Written on January 1, 2016
Key Scripture:
Matthew 16:15-19 – He saith unto him, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
This is the year that the people of God's eyes will be opened to truly see the power of God that is in them. They will begin to utilize that power to gain the victory in every situation and then you will begin to fully understand what the aforementioned scripture truly means.
Because God is building up a breed of invincible, fearless, indestructible Christians.
There is a purging that is happening in the earth that will allow this breed of new age Christians to reach its full potential in the earth.
1. It’s Time to Break the Silence

Who is God to you? The verbal response to this question will be you reality in 2016. What you can openly call God, will manifest itself in the physical realm and become the characteristic of God that you can rely on 2016. How you describe him. The name that you call him. If you openly call him your healer, he will be your healer. If you openly call him you provider he will be that too. Whatever you profess with your mouth will be so in every situation.
What you say out in the open will manifest itself in the open. What you keep in the dark will stay in the dark. What you openly call God will be how he will exist in your life and throughout your experiences.
God is calling us to break the silence.
There is a great silence amongst the body on a dialogue of God and who he is. God is calling us to begin again a dialogue about him, professing his name (which is outreach). Proclaiming to others that he is a deliverer, that he is a protector, that his the alpha and omega. As we proclaim these things, we will see God like never before show up and show out not only in our situations but in the lives of those we are ministering to.
2. Your Purpose on Earth
God says that this is our purpose. Our purpose is to not only look like God, to be like God but to do as Jesus did (many of you just missed this). Who was Jesus? Jesus was the Christ which in the Greek is Christos and means; anointed. He was the messiah. Messiah, also means in the Hebrew, anointed; usually a consecrated person (like a king, priest, or saint). You've heard this before but I declare in the name of Jesus that your eyes and ears would be open to understand it right now. Your purpose is to be anointed, to save others. What does this mean? When something is anointed it is set apart for use by God, it has the potential and the ability to be and perform a miracle. Your purpose, God says is to be the miracle and perform the miracle in the lives of others, to pass on the anointing. I pray that you hear what I'm saying. And by any means necessary, as Jesus, giving of himself, sacrificing himself for the lives of others, you must sacrifice yourself (your feelings, your emotions, your will) for the advancement of the kingdom.
And God gives this promise; if you make it your purpose to advance the kingdom, no devil, nor hell can stop it.
You are a king, you are a ruler and God says it is time for you to start acting as such. Kings make commands, they direct, the rule, they get what they want. And God says, because of your anointing, you will get what you want in this season because of your knowledge of who I am and who you are in me.
3. There is a great evil stirring in the earth.
There is a shifting in the spiritual realm that has already begun, where God has been killing off all flesh (spiritually). It is unfit for human habitation (fleshly habitation) but tolerable and habitable for a spiritual dwelling. And it is there that God will hide you from the attacks of the enemy. He has been separating the shaft from the wheat, separating the believer from the unbeliever. This divine separation is because God needs to show who he is to a world who has forgotten him. So many people believe he is an inactive God, passive to the world and its daily events. But God wants you and others to know that he is very much present, he is very much active and he sees and knows all and is still very much in control of all things. However, just as the scripture says, the wheat must grow with the weeds because if the weeds are pulled it could ruin the harvest. I pray that you understand spiritually what is being said here. In this next season, you will have to make your intentions with God very clear. If you are for him, be for him. If you are against him, be against him. In this next season, will reveal who God’s true followers really are. You cannot just sit back and watch and expect to receive the full blessings of God. If you are not actively involved you will not receive all the promises that are in store for those who are faithful in this season.
There is a great evil that is stirring in the earth but it cannot harm you. If you do exactly as I say (God says), you will not be touched. It is not yet time for Christian martyrs. It is not yet time when I will give the devil permission to completely take over in the earth for a period of time.
4. To the faithful

To those who have been faithful in God (Matthew 25:14). Because of your faithfulness he will make you a ruler over many things, a manager, a master, an owner. He will increase your territory so that your joy can be increased.
You are going to start to see more and more people take over businesses, operations in the body of Christ. More and more believers will begin to possess the land like never before. Believers will begin to acquire more and more stuff. But don’t be fooled, this is not for you but for the enhancement of the kingdom. T this is for you to have dominion and authority over the world. God is flipping the script and wants to give the church back its power.
5. Get Our House In Order & Pay Attention
Pay attention to the presidential campaigns. Typically the church removes itself from influence in this area, separating itself from politics; however, I (God) say it's time to change this. The church must regain its relevancy in the world again and if it does not become involved it will make ministry more difficult than it has been in years to proclaim the Gospel to others.
We have to get our house in order:
Children obey your parents in all things because this is pleasing to the lord (col 3:20)
Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands (col 3:18)
Husbands love your wives and don't be bitter against them (col 3:19)
Fathers don't provoke your children to anger, lest they be discouraged (col 3:21)
Whatever you do (church) do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men (col 3:23)
Let us do everything with the spirit of excellence (1 Pet 2:9; Dan 5:12)
As we become more and more blessed, more and more eyes will be turned toward the body of believers. Be obedient to these basic principles outlined in Colossians for the body of Christ.
6. A Spiritual Covering
God promises a spiritual umbrella of protection, spiritual covering that will protect the people from hurt harm and danger in 2016. Every distraction, hindrance will seem like a small drop in a big pond that has no effect on the overall outcome and future of God's people.
7. Outreach Must Go Forward
This season is the time for evangelism, for the coming together of saints. It's time for everyone to be on one accord, of life mind and one purpose. It's time for the saving many souls, of miracles.
If we do not outreach this year, the enemy will take over. There is power in outreach, it is not only the will of God but is forms a level of protection for God's people.