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Everyone Deserves a Chance to Live!

As a man I have no fear of anyone except my God in Heaven but as a black man I am concerned whenever I drive away from my house.

Please America understand this syndrome.

Like many that look like me I may appear on edge or nervous if pulled over also. This didn’t just begin it’s just being recorded. People of color have known the justifiable concern of being pulled over while being black forever. We feel as though there is always a target on our back and in too many instances it is.

Too many times black people are viewed as less than human during these traffic stops and arrest. Even worse the reaction toward us are as if the goal is to make us extinct. To further devalue our lives when we are killed there is debate on if and what type of charges should be brought against the KILLER.

I’m not just writing this as a angry and concerned black man. I have been a law enforcement officer, I’m a Veteran, I have been a fire arms instructor, I’ve taught police defense and apprehension tactics, and I have been a gun owner/user most of my life. The first and foremost thing I was taught was to respect the ability of a weapon and never point it unless you intend to use it. Because of that I never took drawing a weapon lightly. First this is a human being (Initial Thought) Second does this situation warrant this level of force. This is a quick assessment.

Everyone deserves a chance to live!!!

What we must Understand

This is what we must understand. When people are disenfranchised and systematically oppressed they are simultaneously forced to live in communities that they are not vested in because they cannot afford to own them. As a consequence they live in an area that they regret but tolerate because those they love are there with them. All the while seeing their oppressors enjoy what they desire.

These are not bad people but they are hurt people and hurt people hurt people, places and things. These barriers without walls need to be destroyed and sometimes it takes passionate destruction to force substantive change. The Temple belongs to Christ. It is reminiscent of us being the bride of Christ. However Jesus became destructive within the Temple when the atmosphere within it did not reflect what He desired. It was necessary to stop the inappropriate behavior and bring about necessary change in an abrupt manner.

Black on Black Crime

Crimes against the same race is not new or unique to black people. In our culture that too is tied to racism and oppression. When you are living in a community where you are devalued because of your skin color and it is evident that there is an obvious difference in repercussion for committing the same act of violence against people who are not of color it triggers something in the mind of the oppressed. It forces community hierarchies to validate importance because in the mainstream community they are viewed as less than human. This is not unique to people of color but any enslaved and/or oppressed group of people. Some have asked why are protest getting worse? What’s different with this one? The answer is in the question, nothing is different!!!!

Out of the Box Ideas

Here is an out of the box idea. There are good cops and they are just as upset as the protesters. Have a police chief change the tactics and have the police officers while in line shout “We understand, we are not the enemy, and we will get rid of the Bad Officers”. Think about it!!!!

Here is another out of the box idea. Make it mandatory for every uniform police officer to conduct and record 1 to 2 random acts of kindness per shift. i.e. help a distressed motorist or an elderly person and record the ethnicity of the people they assist. Additionally before being promoted to investigator, Or higher rank so many random acts of kindness hours have to be recorded.

Reform Requests

Most of the city governments experiencing protest are asking for immediate and specific actions from the protestors. However the actions that they are saying they will take are very vague and lack substance. Come to the press conference with specific police reform that will take place immediately.

Police Reform Request List:

  1. Make it mandatory for every uniform police officer to conduct and record 1 to 2 random acts of kindness per shift. i.e. help a distressed motorist or an elderly person and record the ethnicity of the people they assist. Additionally before being promoted to investigator, Or higher rank random acts of kindness hours have to be recorded.

  2. Three strikes Rule. If an officer receives a race related complaint. First offense mandatory race relation training. Second offense 14 day suspension with no pay and order to present positive race relation training to peers. Third offense immediate termination and forfeiture of all benefits and pension.

  3. Every police department have a race relation czar responsible for monthly race sensitivity training and counseling.

  4. Develop new officer creeds that will be recited during daily shift briefings that remind officers that they are public servants that are hired to protect and serve every citizen without regard to race, religion, or sexual orientation.

  5. Every department initiate an affirmative action recruitment team that has a mandate to ensure that 50% of all departments are people of color.

  6. Every department establishes an immediate suspension process pending termination for any officer that does not report excessive or inappropriate force by another officer.

Criminal Justice Reform Request:

  1. Conduct an immediate study of the average sentence time given to every Caucasian male for felony offenses. (Complete within seven days). Publish and announce publicly.

  2. Nationally adjust every sentence given to people of color effective immediately. Instantly release every person that has already served more time than the national average for Caucasian males who were convicted of the same felony.

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